| 1. | An order to sell or buy at a certain price or better 在一定或更好的价格下,买入或者卖出的定单。 |
| 2. | Buy at certain price 那么只能现价买入了吗 |
| 3. | In this example , the script displays all products that are below a certain price 在该例中,脚本显示了低于特定价格的所有产品。 |
| 4. | Then , intelligent notification services notifies the user if the stock falls below or reaches a certain price 因此,如果股票贬值或者达到一定价格, intelligent notification services就会通知用户。 |
| 5. | Demand is quantity of a product that consumers will buy at a certain price . supply is the quantity of the product available at that price 供给和需求需求是消费者愿意按照某一价格购买产品的数量。供给是此价格上可以得到的产品的数量。 |
| 6. | When companies or individuals wish to obtain control or to buy out the owners of an existing company , the bidder will circularise the shareholders bidding a certain price per share 当公司或个人希望取得某公司的控制权时,会向公司股东开出一个每股的价码。 |
| 7. | Professor stewart myers said that real option endow investors the rights of acquire or sell a real asset or invest plan by certain price in future 实物期权的概念由mit的stewartmyers教授在1977年提出,实物期权赋予投资者在未来以一定价格取得或出售一项实物资产或投资计划的权利。 |
| 8. | This certain price is called " vested " price , " promised " price or " enforced " price , usually it is the market price of the company stock when the stock - options is granted 固定的价格称为“授予”价格、 “约定”价格或“执行”价格,通常是在授予股票期权时公司股票的市场价值。 |
| 9. | On the basis of compertz curve , the evaluating model are set up , and the time point of each stage in life cycle are calculated , which can provide essential information to adopt a certain pricing strategy 结合龚珀殊曲线给出评价模型,并计算生命周期各阶段的时点,以此决定所采取的定价策略。 |
| 10. | The crucial phenomena of software product are high fixed cost , low varied cost and the inclined - to - zero marginal cost . furthermore , in the market there does not present a certain price function of supply , only exist an area of price - decision 从软件产品的供给方面讲,其特点是固定成本高,而变动成本非常低,暨边际成本几乎为零,另外,软件产品也不存在特定的价格?供给函数,只存在定价区间。 |